Thursday, December 25, 2008


December 20th - 23rd: Wow, I had another great weekend. I am having so much fun I can't stand it. On Saturday Mommy and Daddy took me to see this big man dressed in red that they kept calling Santa Clause. They seemed so excited for me to meet him. Mommy was so proud of me because I sat on his lap and didn't cry. Then that night we had a dinner for Daddy because he graduated from college. I hope I am as smart as my Daddy one day.

On Sunday I took my first road trip to Buford, GA to see my Grandma and meet my Uncle Stuart, Aunt Danielle and Cousin Logan. I had so much fun meeting more of my family, especially my cousin Logan. He is 5 years old and is so cool. He talks, runs and plays games. I can't wait till I can do all those things with him. My Grandma fed me sweet potatoes for the first time and they were yummy. I was so glad to see my Grandma again. We celebrated Christmas while there and I got a bunch of pretty clothes and toys. Thanks for all my presents Grandma. Thanks Uncle Stuart, Aunt Danielle and Logan for such a fun time. I can’t wait to see everyone again soon.

Look at my reindeer ears.
My cousin Logan and I.
Santa and I.
The man in red himself.


December 20th - Today David became a college graduate. I am so proud of all the hard work he has done over the last three years. He worked full time, took a full course load and had Avery and I needing his time. What an accomplishment!!! Saturday night I cooked David a special dinner and we celebrated as a family. Good going baby. Avery and I applaud you.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


December 13th - 15th: I just had one of the best weekends. My Granddaddy and Grandann came to visit me (and my mommy and daddy). On Saturday I was supposed to go meet Santa for the first time but my daddy got really sick. I didn’t mind missing Santa because mommy and daddy said they would take me to see him another day plus I’m not really sure who he is. On Saturday night my mommy got really sick just like daddy. I felt real bad for them but my Granddaddy and Grandann came and got me and took me to my Great Grandparents house for a couple of days. I spent my first night away from mommy and daddy, which wasn’t too bad, but to make mommy feel better I told her it wasn’t the same as home. Don’t tell mommy and daddy but Granddaddy and Grandann spoiled me rotten. I got to play, stay up late and fall asleep in my Granddaddy’s arms. What a treat. On Monday night I had my first dose of Christmas with Granddaddy and Grandann. I loved all my presents but I especially liked the brightly colored tissue paper. Mommy and daddy are beginning to feel better and I am glad to be back home with them even though I miss my Grandparents, but I know I will see them soon so I have something to look forward to. Thanks again Granddaddy and Grandann for taking such good care of me and letting mommy and daddy rest. I love you!!

Granddaddy and I. Notice my new bow he gave me.

Daddy and I.
Look at me opening my present. I perfer to open them with my mouth.

Of course everything has to go in my mouth.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's Raining, IT'S SNOWING....

December 11th - There are some things you love as a child that you don't outgrow as an adult. For me that is the NC State Fair, Christmas lights and SNOW!! When I left work today I was surprised to see all the cars covered in snow. It doesn't snow much in Middle TN, so when I say the cars were covered in snow that is major (2-3 inches). My first thought was "I have got to hurry and get Avery so I can show her the snow". Well you know us Southerners don't drive in the snow so it took me longer than normal to get home so David picked her up and she was asleep by the time they got home. She ended up sleeping through all the excitement. I figured it was the ear infection because there is no way she would miss the snow. I'm sure she will love it as much as I do.

I can't believe she is sleeping at a time like this!!!

Avery continues to sleep as the snow is falling all around us.


December 11th - Today Avery had her 6 month check up. Once again she was diagnosed with a double ear infection. David and I were shocked since a) she just finished antibiotics for an ear infection and b) she wasn't even acting like her ears hurt. This is her 3rd time having ear infections so the doctor said she is most likely on her way to having tubes in her ears. Looks like David and I passed on more than our good looks to Avery - our ear problems. Anyway, the doctor was pleased with her stats, which are below, and said she looked good.

Weight - 18 lbs, 2 oz (86%)
Height - 26.5 in (77%)
Head cir - 41.4 (21%)

So what is Avery up to these days? She is eating cereal, squash, carrots and green beans. She is able to sit up on her own for a couple of seconds. She is talking more and watches everything like a hawk. David and I are having so much fun with her; she is such a good baby!! What we need to work on, getting Avery mobile. How in the world do we do that?!?!

Avery sitting all by herself. What a big girl.

Monday, December 8, 2008


December 9th - Today Avery turns 6 months old. What a bitter sweet day. Our precious baby is half a year old. I can't believe 6 months ago I gave birth to such a sweet girl. Our lives have changed so much and I'm sure we don't know the half of it yet. We celebrated last night; of course we had cake, because David bowls on Tuesdays. Does anyone know how to slow the hands of time? I'd love to know!!

Avery and her 6 month cupcake too bad she can't eat it - I guess Mommy and Daddy will have to eat it for her.
Avery just a couple days old.

Avery was really talkative tonight. Below is what I caught on video. Once she saw the camera she became quiet, I guess she thought I was going to take her picture.


December 6th - 7th: What a weekend. Just as Avery starts to get over her cold I get sick. When I was young I had so many ear infections that I had to have surgery. I thought adults were immune to ear infections. APPARENTLY NOT!! On Thursday my right ear became infected and the pain was unbelievable. I started to feel better on Friday but on Saturday the left ear became infected as well. This time the pain was unbearable and I had to page the doctor. I have had a kidney stone and a baby and I think this was some of the worse pain ever. If Avery felt half this bad when her ears were infected then I wish her to never have another ear infection again. Finally, about 11:00 pm my ear drum burst and I was able to get some sleep but now I can't hear out of my left ear. Sunday we all spent the day in bed and it looks like Avery's cold is returning. I am so ready for winter to be over so we all can be well again. Among all the sickness we were able to pick out our Christmas tree. I was so proud of Avery for staying awake long enough to help us pick it out. I can't wait to decorate it with her!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


December 4th - Last night Avery and I had such an exciting time. The nights I put Avery to bed I sing her a couple of songs or when I am trying to calm her I will sing the same songs to her. Our favorite song to sing is "Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer". I say our favorite because lately when I sing it to her she starts to make noises or move her mouth so I believe she is trying to sing it with me. Well last night the "Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer" movie was on TV so she and I watched it. She would watch a couple minutes of it and then look at me while I excitedly told her it was Rudolf who we sang about each night. I don't really think she put 2 and 2 together but I sure was excited about it. Therefore, I have decided we are going to watch that movie together every year. A new tradition is born!!

Monday, December 1, 2008


November 26th - 30th: Let me start out by saying I hope everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving. I feel I have so much to be thankful for this year. This was Avery's first Thanksgiving and she experienced many firsts. For instance she met many family members for the first time, she had carrots for the first time (and absolutely loves them) and she experienced her first allergic reaction. Avery’s first Thanksgiving was spent being sick with a cold and possibly an ear infection. David took her to the doctor on Wednesday before we headed out of town and they said they could not tell if her ears were infected because her ear drums were not straight (who knew they could move). They prescribed her a medication which after a couple of dosed gave her a rash that developed into hives all over her tummy. Thankfully David and I were surrounded by intelligent women who happened to be experienced mothers who helped us. It didn’t really seem to bother Avery but she sure was back to her old self once we stopped the medicine and gave her Benadryl to help the allergic reaction.

Anyway the Diamonds spent their holiday in Lobelville, TN with the whole family (minus a cousin and her new husband – which were missed), something that rarely happens on the Jones side. We all gathered to celebrate my Grandmothers 80th birthday, which was such a treat. Happy Birthday Grandma… is to 80 more!! Below are pictures from our Holiday. Enjoy!!

Avery as happy as she can be on her first Thanksgiving even though she had a cold.

The Diamond family + Aunt Julie.

The Diamond family. Avery would not sit still. It took about 6 people to get her to look stright at the camera.

Just about the whole family. Aren't we a good looking crowd!?!? There is five generations represented in this photo.

Grandma and Vandaddy at her birthday celebration. What a cute couple.

David and I practicing for our first Christmas card photo.

We have to get the lighting just right.