Tuesday, September 30, 2008


September 30th - Well this is my last week as a stay at home Mom. I go back to work on Monday October the 6th. I can't tell you how quickly these past 16 weeks have gone. Everyone told me they would fly by, but I had no idea how right they were. I get sad just thinking about leaving her. I've made a list of some things I'm going to miss and things I won't miss.'

Things I will miss:
1. All the milestones she will have
2. Her sweet face looking up at me
3. Changing diapers (I know that sounds crazy but it's true)
4. Being able to meet all her needs

Things I won't miss:
1. Her afternoon fussy time
2. Her morning fussy time

Below are two videos I took yesterday. You may have to double click to get the video to play. See why I am going to miss her so much!!

Avery's new trick.

Avery and Daddy having a conversation.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


September 27 - The days have been so nice here so we have taken Avery to the park everyday. Yesterday we decided to put her in her stroller like a big girl. She really enjoyed seeing the world from a different view. Is it normal to be happy and sad at the same time when your baby grows up?
Avery in her stoller without the head rest. Isn't she such a big girl!
Daddy and Avery.
Mommy and Avery.
This is a fun picture. David was hard at work fixing the computer and Avery decided she wanted a ride on Daddy's shoulders. She only got a little spit up in Daddy's hair.

Friday, September 26, 2008


September 24th - 25th: David took vacation this week so he could spend some time with Avery and me. We decided to take our first (and last) family trip to Chattanooga. It is now official who wears the pants in the Diamond household: AVERY. She was a doll on the drive up and even slept most of the time we were walking around town. However, once night fell she turned on us. She was not willing to go to bed no matter what we tried and we tried it all. Finally, we resorted to taking her for a car ride. We decided if that did not work we were going to drive home that night. Thankfully she went to sleep and stayed that way till morning. On Thursday we went to Rock City (one of our most favorite places) and had such a good time. Avery really liked walking around and seeing all the rocks. We were lucky the weather was nice and there was a great breeze. Avery fell asleep leaving Rock City so David and I thought we could take a nap as well since we were both exhausted. As soon as our heads hit the pillow, Avery awoke and was fussy so we decided to grab lunch and head back home. We cut our first family trip short so Avery could come back home and be fussy. We are headed to Savannah, GA in December for David's graduation so I hope we can get her under control by then. Below are some pictures of our short lived trip.
Avery is in awe of the big rocks.
We can see 7 states. Can you name the 7?
Our family in front of Lovers Leap. It has a story like Romeo and Juliet except for the Cherokee people.
Avery and Mommy. Avery is more interested in chewing on her hands then taking a picture.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


September 17th - 21st: David went to Denver on business so Avery and I head back down to the farm. We had a great couple of days. Avery got to attend her first birthday party. Van's great granddaughter, Addison, turned a year old. She got cake everywhere and was so cute. Avery of course slept through most of the party. Avery also got to witness the first win of the season for NCSU. I have working on teaching her the Wolfpack chant; I think it is going to take her a while to get it. Finally, Avery got to visit the cows. Van took us to see the cows and Avery was not impressed. Now I must say I took her to visit the cows in my front pack so she can't really see much over the straps. A baby bull got really close to us and all Avery could do was look up at the trees. She didn't seem interested in the cows at all. My heart was broken; I mean she has to be a cowgirl!!! I'm still going to try to get her to love cows like I do, maybe when she is older and can really see them.

Grandma and Avery all dressed up for church.
Grandma, Avery and I at Addison's birthday party.
Addison with cake all over her face. I guess this is what David and I have to look forward to.
Vandaddy and Avery had a lot of fun this trip.

Monday, September 15, 2008


September 15th - Today was the most perfect day. The sky was Carolina blue (my favorite since there is no such thing as a State red sky…guess you have to be from NC to get this remark), a light wind blew and the temperature was in the low to mid 70's. Avery and I decided to spend the day outside walking in the park, well ok, I decided and she went along with the idea. This was Avery's first time at the park and I think she loved it. At first she slept while I did all the walking, ok so I knew that was going to happen. She then woke up and discovered a whole new world. She looked up at one point and was amazed to discover trees and a sky, I guess anything is better then the ceiling she usually views. She couldn't take her eyes off the trees. I gave her an old leaf I found on the ground and she wouldn't let go of it. It finally crumpled all over her. After our walk we found a bench in the shade and Avery had lunch. Today was one of the most wonderful days. Avery and I sure are ready for fall to arrive.

Avery in her cute workout outfit...of course she has one!!
Avery and I at the beginning of the walk...she looks like she has the easy part.
Avery looking up at the trees. It is such fun watching her experience new things.
What a cutie!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Baptism Pictures

Avery slept during most of the baptism.
The Godparents, Robert and Donita Brown, with their adorable daughter Amelia.
Our little family.
Avery in her dress, which is the same dress I wore to my baptism.

Monday, September 8, 2008


September 6th - 7th This was a very big weekend for Avery, she was baptized on Sunday. Saturday we had a big dinner with all the family as a way to celebrate. Avery was so excited about her party that she could not sleep. She is definitely my child...she was afraid she would miss something so she couldn't close her eyes even for a minute. Therefore, she screamed and cried the whole time. On Sunday she was baptized. She wore the same stunning dress that I wore when I was baptized. Our good friends Robert and Donita Brown agreed to be the Godparents (Thanks so much y'all). Avery behaved until the preacher started pouring water on her head. Once she was baptized she fell asleep and stayed that way through all the pictures.

The party girl before she decided to get fussy.
She looks like she is having a good ole time.
I treasure this picture. Avery with David's Mom. We finally got her in a picture!!
Of course Avery had to have a cake at her party.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


September 3rd - As you know our household revolves around sports, sports and more sports. As you also may know I married a huge Yankees baseball fan and therefore became a fan myself. Avery will also be a Yankees fan. David and I are still discussing what sort of college basketball fan she will become, NC State vs Duke. Anyway, the Yankees are terrible this year but David and Avery still watch the games. Tonight David and Avery wore their Yankees gear and it seemed to help since they beat the Tampa Bay Rays.

Daddy and his girl in their Yankees gear.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


September 2nd - We hope everyone had a great Labor Day. We spent the long weekend working on the house and relaxing. Avery (and I) got really spoiled having Daddy around the house all day for three days in a row. Sunday we went to church and I dressed Avery up in a new dress. Have I said lately how adorable she is? She is just so cute, especially with her bow in her hair. She just brings such a big smile to my face. Here are some pictures from the holiday.
Avery all dressed up for chruch, I just love the hair bow.
She is all smiles as she gets ready to go to church.
She is starting to grow into her sunglasses.