Tuesday, September 30, 2008


September 30th - Well this is my last week as a stay at home Mom. I go back to work on Monday October the 6th. I can't tell you how quickly these past 16 weeks have gone. Everyone told me they would fly by, but I had no idea how right they were. I get sad just thinking about leaving her. I've made a list of some things I'm going to miss and things I won't miss.'

Things I will miss:
1. All the milestones she will have
2. Her sweet face looking up at me
3. Changing diapers (I know that sounds crazy but it's true)
4. Being able to meet all her needs

Things I won't miss:
1. Her afternoon fussy time
2. Her morning fussy time

Below are two videos I took yesterday. You may have to double click to get the video to play. See why I am going to miss her so much!!

Avery's new trick.

Avery and Daddy having a conversation.


Anonymous said...


I know you are hesitant about coming back, but it gets better. She will have plenty of diapers for you to change! You will still see her developing everyday. When you get home from work until Avery goes to bed will be such a special time for you and Avery. I think being away during the day makes you appreciate your time with your kids. I am not going to tell you it will be an easy transition, but you know I did it twice. If I can do it, so can you!! You know I will be here if you need me!!! Can't wait to see you!!!
Mary Beth

Donita said...

Avery is getting so vocal! Hopefully she'll be sitting up soon ;) The first week back at work is the hardest, it will get easier, but the time in the evenings will become so precious. Good luck to you next week.