Tuesday, March 31, 2009
April 1st - Avery is about to reach a very exciting milestone.....TEETH. When she smiles or laughs you can see two very small white bumps in the bottom front of her gums. You almost do a double take because two teeth are just barley sticking out. But watch out because if you put your finger on her gums you definitely feel them and she will bite down on your finger and you again feel them. It seems each day they stick up a little further, but then again that could be my imagination. I don’t think Avery is acting very fussy due to her new teeth but then again she never really acts upset. We have been giving her some baby Orajel in the morning and before bed to help her deal with any pain she may be feeling. So look out world, here come Avery’s first set of teeth!!
March 31st - The funny thing about kids is you never know what they are going to do or say and since Avery can't talk, you never know what she is going to do. On Friday I picked her up a little early from fun place. She and Whitley were the only kids remaining. Whitley and Avery are good friends from what I am told. They really enjoy playing together, and from what I’m told that includes wrestling. So on Friday they were playing in different parts of the room. So I said to her teacher: “Why aren’t Avery and Whitley playing together?” Her teacher responded: “I had to separate Avery and Whitley because Avery kept trying to pull out Whitley’s pacifier and throw it away!” I was shocked yet I immediately laughed. That does sound like my daughter. She never took to a pacifier so I’m sure she thought Whitley didn’t need one either. I wonder what she’ll do next!?!?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
E N & T
March 30th - Last week Avery went back to the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor. Her ears showed no signs of improvement and where infected again. The doctor decided it was time for tubes. Everyone keeps telling us it is a simple procedure and painless but to me it is scary. They say the procedure takes no more than 10 minutes but to me that will be an eternity. They say there are no needles involved but to me that is still scary. Did I mention I was scared and worried for Avery? I know this will be much more traumatic on me than her, which does make me feel better. We don't have the procedure schedules yet, I'll let you know when we do. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
March 29th - Sorry Mommy hasn’t written in a while but she has been busy. My Grandma Carol just left from a really nice visit. We had such a good time. I got to stay home with her a couple of days and play. Thanks for coming to see me Grandma and please come again soon. Mommy also has been busy keeping up with me. If I'm not crawling everywhere then I'm trying to pull up on thing taller than me. Who just wants to sit around on the floor when I can move? Plus I like to keep Mommy and Daddy on their toes.
Here is me in my playpen. Mommy didn't think I could pull up in this, she was wrong.
This is my first time sitting in the grass. It was such a pretty day Mommy thought I would enjoy some time outside. I didn't really like the way the grass felt on my feet.
Here is another video of me pulling up, this time on the couch. I love trying to take the camera away from Mommy.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
There's No Stopping Her Now
Another awesome video of Avery crawling forward. I've been waiting so long for this figuring she's been crawling backwards for a few weeks already. It melts my heart to see her determination and excitement as she tries to make her way towards me. Once she makes it, after she rests once or twice, I pick her up for a giant hug and kiss.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
March 14th - Today was such an exciting day. Avery started to crawl. Previously she would scoot around but now she is really going. If we get on the ground and tell her to come to us she gets off her hiney and starts crawling toward us, though she may stop in the middle for a short break. Below is a video of her crawling to David. She has also discovered the outlets. I can hardly keep her away from them. I thought we still had some time to baby proof the house...WRONG that is now our top priority.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
March 12th - Avery turned 9 months on Monday. I know I say this all the time but time is flying, I can't believe she is already 9 months old and will soon turn 1. We went to the farm for the weekend and celebrated her birthday on Sunday with my Grandma and Vandaddy. While we were in the country Avery discovered what every true country girl loves, biscuits. My Aunt Betty gave her a biscuit and she held on to that thing until is crumbled to the ground.
So what is Avery doing now: she gets from point A to point B by some sort of crawling, she is officially teething, she is going through separation anxiety when she can't see David or I, she is trying to pull up, she can stand on her legs with a little support, she is learning to use a sippy cup, she is starting to put pick up pieces of food and put it in her mouth, she waves, she babbles all the time and is learning to say uh-oh.
Avery had her 9 month checkup today and here are her stats:
Weight: 21.14 (90 percentile)
Height: 27.5 inches
Avery trying to blow out her candle. When I put the candle in front of her I thought she would try to grab it and put it in her mouth but she was more interested in having her picture made so I helped her blow out her candle.
Our tradition is to have a cupcake to celebrate each 3 month birthday. Notice her really small cupcake, which is actually two small ones stacked on top of each other. As Grandma say, "It's really hard to find a cupcake in a one horse town".
Avery standing up and playing with her Pa Pa.
Avery is just beginning to want to feed herself so I usually let her help me toward the end.
I hear people say kids like to play with pots so I decided to give one to Avery to see what she would do. Of course the first thing she did was try to put it in her mouth, which didn't work so she just kind of pushed it around and then forgot about it. I'll give it another try when she is a little older.
So what is Avery doing now: she gets from point A to point B by some sort of crawling, she is officially teething, she is going through separation anxiety when she can't see David or I, she is trying to pull up, she can stand on her legs with a little support, she is learning to use a sippy cup, she is starting to put pick up pieces of food and put it in her mouth, she waves, she babbles all the time and is learning to say uh-oh.
Avery had her 9 month checkup today and here are her stats:
Weight: 21.14 (90 percentile)
Height: 27.5 inches
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
March 3rd - Below are two videos I took tonight of Avery playing with her Daddy. I just love to listen to her laugh, it is so contagious. Enjoy!
Monday, March 2, 2009
March 2nd - Wow, I can't believe it is March already. Next week Avery will be 9 months old and then soon will be a year old. Time sure does fly when you are having fun. Below are some random pictures of Avery from this weekend.
Avery has been after the tissue box for days. Sunday she finally got it and had a great time with it. She tried to put it in her mouth and when that failed she discovered she could pull the tissue out.
Now that she can get the tissue on her own when will she learn to clean her own nose?
This is one of my favorite pictures. I was laughing so hard when I took this picture that I had tears coming out of my eyes. She was just looking at me all morning through the coffee table with those big beautiful eyes and then would duck down so I could not see her and then pop back up again. She just makes me laugh every day and I'm laughing as I write this because I just think of that moment and crack a smile.
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