Sunday, September 6, 2009


September 5th - Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Avery has been sick for the past two weeks. After many trips to the doctor it was determined she had a virus and an ear infection. She is back on antibiotics and ear drops (I'm not one to give financial advice but if you want to make some money I would suggest investing in the company that produces the antibiotic Avery constantly takes). She is finally getting her appetite back and is acting like her old self. It has been a tough couple of weeks for David and I but I can't tell you how excited we are to see her eating again. Below are some pictures and video I took while she was under the weather.

The best part of Avery's day was her bath. She enjoyed soaking in the warm water and getting all of Mommy and Daddy's attention.

David was out of town last weekend so I tried to find interesting ways to make Avery laugh since she was cranky. These two pictures show her with her shorts on her head. She thought it was so funny.

Do you notice the pacifier in Avery's mouth. She never wanted one until she started feeling bad and now she loves it.

These videos are of Avery in the bath. She has started talking all the time and she uses her hands, just like her mommy.

Lately Avery is becoming more independent. This video shows her using a spoon.

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