Thursday, May 28, 2009


May 28th: Yesterday I found out that Avery is making the transition to the 1 year old class. The transition lasts two weeks and she will spend a little time each day in the new class getting used to the teachers and students. Ms. Amelia, the morning teacher, is usually in Avery’s class when I drop her off, so we know and love her. Also, many of the kids in this new class were just in Avery’s class so she knows them. All this should make me feel good, right? Wrong. I am having a really hard time with my baby growing up. I now know I am going to be one of those Moms that cry every time their baby does something new. This morning, to make me feel better, we toured her new class and Ms. Amelia went over the schedule they follow. This class is more structured and she will follow a specified routine. They have a little table and chair she can sit at while doing activities and she will now sleep on a cot instead of a crib. They tell me Avery is doing great at the transition and only cried for about a minute or two. Well I have to tell you I’m not doing great with the transition and I cried for a good 30 minutes or so. I have a feeling this transition will be easier on her than it is me.

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