Monday, January 12, 2009


January 11th – To me motherhood is (among many things) about trial and error and thinking on your toes. Yesterday was a day full of both of those things for David and me. Yesterday we had our usual Sunday of going to church and then going to eat with my Grandparents. We didn’t have Sunday school so we went home before heading to lunch, which sort of threw me off. We were waiting for my Grandparents to arrive when Avery got a little fussy because she was hungry. I managed to distract her (such an easy thing to do at this age) while David got all her stuff together. This meal was supposed to consist of cereal, a veggie and formula. All of a sudden David turns to me and asks where I put her bottle. I looked at him and remembered I took it out of her diaper bag when we stopped home to rinse it out. So I responded “It’s at home. Oh no!!” Needless to say we gave Avery a whole jar of carrots (good thing she likes them). We tried mixing her cereal with water and giving her that but she was not interested. The waitress (a mom herself) was so helpful. She asked what was wrong and I told her I left her bottle at home. She instantly brought us a rubber glove (powder free) and told us to put her formula in it, poke a hole in one of the fingers and see if she will drink it from that. I was willing to try anything at this point since Avery was quite upset, even though it looked like she was getting ready to suck on a cow’s udder. Needless to say she didn’t like that idea and was not going to drink it. I finally managed to distract her again and she was fine until we got home. I think I am getting the hang of the trail and error part but I am not yet good at the thinking on my toes part.

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