Wednesday, July 30, 2008


July 30th: Just some random pictures from the last week or so. Enjoy.

This picture always makes me smile. I took this picture as I was trying to burp her. She is always so happy after she eats.

This is true Avery style. She is such a wiggle worm. She kept running out of room in her bassinet so on Friday we moved her to her crib so she could have more room. She seems to enjoy being in her own room, though Mommy and Daddy sure do check on her a lot.

Avery and David on our way to Great Grandma's church. She looks so cute in her headband.

Avery is more awake each day and I'm trying to introduce new toys to her. She really likes the bear blanket.


saspivey said...

I love the smiling-burp pic!!

Donita said...

What a great set of pictures! Avery is such a beautiful baby.