Tuesday, September 7, 2010


September 4th - 8th: This labor day was such a blast. My sister came down from NYC to visit and we had such a good time. On Saturday we went to Chattanooga for the day. It was the perfect day to go because it was in the low 80s with no humidity and a nice breeze. With labor day comes birthday's; mine is on the 7th and David's is on the 8th. On Sunday we started the day at the Pfunky Griddle, a place where you cook your own breakfast, and ended the day with dinner with our good friends Lisa and Brian to celebrate our birthdays. Sunday we met my Grandparents for lunch in honor of our birthdays. Finally, we celebrated our actual birthday's on Tuesday and Wednesday. We've been so blessed to drag out the celebration, at least I have, I'm sure David would have loved to stop after one day. Below are some pictures of our celebrations.

The Diamond family on the pedestrian bridge in Chattanooga. It was a great day for a walk.

Avery eating ice cream during our celebration with my Grandparents. You should of seen her face light up when the waiter brought it to her.

Daddy making breakfast at the Pfunky Griddle. We had lots of fun making pancakes, french toast and breakfast potatoes.

Julie, Avery and I at Rock City in Chattanooga.

David and I at Rock City.

Here is a video of Avery singing me Happy Birthday.

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