Tuesday, December 22, 2009


December 9th – Avery in now 18 months old, half way to being 2. So what is Avery up to…EVERYTHING. She loves to talk and says words like: stop, no, mine, Avery’s, hug, and water. She loves to repeat the last word you say to her, so no more grown up language around Avery. She gets really excited when she sees her favorite cartoon which is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She is becoming more independent, such as undressing herself (just her socks and shoes at this point) and feeding herself with a spoon or fork. She just is so amazing and does new things everyday that I just can’t list it all. Below are her stats from her 18 month check-up and some pictures / video to enjoy.

Weight: 28.2 pounds
Height: 32 inches

Of course we celebrated with a cupcake from Gigi's. I didn't get a good picture of it before we split it in fours since they are huge.
Below is a video of Avery eating yogurt. The next night I let her feed herself (because she threw a fit) and she somehow managed to dump the entire thing on her chest and was rubbing it in as if it were lotion. Never a dull moment in the Diamond household.

1 comment:

Danielle Chalfont said...

Kenzie LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, too! She gets real excited and starts squealing when it comes on so maybe they can watch it together when come for a visit.