Sunday, March 30, 2008


March 31st - We now have 84 days to go. David decided he wanted to start counting down days instead of months or weeks. I really like this idea because 84 is a larger number than 3 (months) so I feel like I have more time to get ready. Today we had another OB appointment in which I had my gestational diabetes test (I should have the results this week). Everything is on track, I am measuring 28cm and my weight gain is good. David and I had a "deer in the headlights" moment at this appointment. Today the doctor told us our next appointment is in 2 weeks. We have now graduated from once a month to twice a month. I guess the whole pregnancy doesn't seem real even though we can feel her and are getting things ready for her arrival. I think we both think she will never get here but knowing we go to the doctor twice a month means we are getting close. I think we both are freaking out just a little :) We're really excited but quite nervous.

David returned to work today. I think he was ready to go back and see his friends. His physical therapy is going great and he is 75% to getting his full strength and range of motion back. He is now ready to paint baby girl's room, even though I think he was hoping to get out of it :)


March 29th - I have really started to "pop" out recently. My belly is starting to get heavy. I find that when I get up I have to hold my belly for support. I just can't tell you how much I enjoy being pregnant, well except for buying maternity clothes, I love to feel her kick and move inside me. I love to talk to her as if I am holding her in my arms. I love when David talks to her and tries to feel her move or kick. I can't wait to meet her but I sure am going to miss being pregnant.

Notice the new haircut? My hair has been growing like crazy so I decided to go shorter so hopefully I only need one more haircut before her arrival.


March 29th and 30th- This weekend we had an exciting day of registering and looking at baby furniture. We registered at Babies R Us and Target. I have to tell you that registering sort of stressed me out. I don't know if most of you know how particular I am about having everything match, so of course I wanted everything to match and be perfect for when our little girl arrives. There are just so many choices between car seats, strollers and bouncy things. And of course they suggest you need everything. David, being the calm one, kept reassuring me that everything didn't have to match, be perfect or done in one day. David was so cute with the scanner gun, he loved picking out things for her, and I have no idea what all he scanned. It took us forever but we finally completed most of our registry. We then went and looked for baby furniture. We found a set we really liked and were told it takes up to 12 weeks to arrive. At that rate she would arrive before the furniture. Can you believe that? The waiting list for baby furniture is longer than the list to get her into daycare. I immediately started fretting because I wanted to have her room all ready for her arrival. After spending the weekend thinking about it we decided to go with another set that should be here a lot sooner. Oh well, one thing down....a million more to go. I'm starting to feel like there are too many things to do and not enough time. I really need to learn how to chill out.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


March 16th - My Dad and Ann came for the weekend. We had a great time doing chores around my Grandparents house and then everyone joined us for Palm Sunday at our church. Here are some pictures from Sunday.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


March 17th - Happy St. Patrick's Day. Today marks 26 weeks, which means we only have about 14 more to go. Yikes!! Over the weekend the coolest thing happened, David and I actually saw our baby girl move. She has been very active lately, which I just love. I was lying in bed on Saturday morning and I pulled up my shirt and was able to my tummy move. It looks more like a twitch. She'll kick me and my tummy will just twitch. David was able to see it a couple of times. I'm thinking she is on to what I am doing because after I watch for a minute or two she quits.

My Dad and Ann were here over the weekend. I was sure my Dad would get to feel her kick but she was not cooperating. My Mom said I would never perform when she wanted me to when I was a baby so baby Diamond isn't about to either. She's already taking after me.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Daddy's first purchase for his baby girl.

Her first sweater from Grandma Springs (KK's Mom).

Mommy bought this shirt for Daddy.

Baby girls first dress from Mommy.


March 10th - Today David had his follow up appointment with his orthopedic surgeon. They took his bandages off and removed his stitches, which was painful for him because he had to put his arm in positions he has not been in since the surgery. The doctor did not approve David to go back to work yet so we are not sure when he will return. She also ordered him to go to rehab 3 days a week for 6 weeks. He still is not sleeping well. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to get through this time. He has come a long way in just under 2 weeks. He is now able to do things he was unable to do a week ago and I feel in the next week he will be able to do even more things.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


March 3rd - Today was my 24th week appointment. I had to go alone this time since David is not allowed to drive. This appointment was pretty much the same as the rest except my doctor finally measured my uterus. I measured 24cm, which is right on track since your measurement should equal the number of weeks you are pregnant. When the nurse checked her heartbeat she had a hard time finding it because baby girl kept moving away from the pressure. Finally after 3 tries baby girl stayed still and I was able to hear her heartbeat, which is still going strong.

Baby girl is now kicking up a storm. I feel her mostly in the morning, after lunch and in the evening. Lately I have been drinking lemonade with my lunch, which really gets her going. I don't know if it is the sugar or what but she is so active while I am drinking lemonade.

We have started looking for ideas for the nursery. We think we have picked out her bedding and bedroom furniture. I think we have decided to get a convertible crib, which turns into a single bed, so she can use it for the next 12 years (that may be wishful thinking). We can't wait to start getting her room together though we have a lot of cleaning to do to make room for her stuff, but I think it will be fun.

People keep asking us about names and we have not really spent a lot to time talking about her name. I have a name I like and David wants to throw some names in the ring. Honestly, I think we both are avoiding the subject right now since we all know how I get when I don’t get my way. Once we figure out her name we will let everyone know.


March 2nd - Thank you so much for all the thoughts, prayers and calls. David's surgery went great (I'm quoting his surgeon). He has a long metal pole from his wrist to his elbow joint which contains 7 screws. He has been in a lot of pain but it is getting better; he doesn't have to take his pain medication as often. He planned to go back to work this week but we found out he is not to return until the doctor checks his arm and releases him from her care. He is quite bored around the house since he is unable to a lot. I try to think of little things we can do to get him out of the house. I can tell he is getting frustrated since he can't do his normal day to day things, but he is being a really good patient. I keep telling him he is giving me great practice for our new arrival. David and I both thank everyone again for all the prayers and calls.