Sunday, March 30, 2008


March 31st - We now have 84 days to go. David decided he wanted to start counting down days instead of months or weeks. I really like this idea because 84 is a larger number than 3 (months) so I feel like I have more time to get ready. Today we had another OB appointment in which I had my gestational diabetes test (I should have the results this week). Everything is on track, I am measuring 28cm and my weight gain is good. David and I had a "deer in the headlights" moment at this appointment. Today the doctor told us our next appointment is in 2 weeks. We have now graduated from once a month to twice a month. I guess the whole pregnancy doesn't seem real even though we can feel her and are getting things ready for her arrival. I think we both think she will never get here but knowing we go to the doctor twice a month means we are getting close. I think we both are freaking out just a little :) We're really excited but quite nervous.

David returned to work today. I think he was ready to go back and see his friends. His physical therapy is going great and he is 75% to getting his full strength and range of motion back. He is now ready to paint baby girl's room, even though I think he was hoping to get out of it :)

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