Sunday, March 30, 2008


March 29th and 30th- This weekend we had an exciting day of registering and looking at baby furniture. We registered at Babies R Us and Target. I have to tell you that registering sort of stressed me out. I don't know if most of you know how particular I am about having everything match, so of course I wanted everything to match and be perfect for when our little girl arrives. There are just so many choices between car seats, strollers and bouncy things. And of course they suggest you need everything. David, being the calm one, kept reassuring me that everything didn't have to match, be perfect or done in one day. David was so cute with the scanner gun, he loved picking out things for her, and I have no idea what all he scanned. It took us forever but we finally completed most of our registry. We then went and looked for baby furniture. We found a set we really liked and were told it takes up to 12 weeks to arrive. At that rate she would arrive before the furniture. Can you believe that? The waiting list for baby furniture is longer than the list to get her into daycare. I immediately started fretting because I wanted to have her room all ready for her arrival. After spending the weekend thinking about it we decided to go with another set that should be here a lot sooner. Oh well, one thing down....a million more to go. I'm starting to feel like there are too many things to do and not enough time. I really need to learn how to chill out.

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