Monday, December 1, 2008


November 26th - 30th: Let me start out by saying I hope everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving. I feel I have so much to be thankful for this year. This was Avery's first Thanksgiving and she experienced many firsts. For instance she met many family members for the first time, she had carrots for the first time (and absolutely loves them) and she experienced her first allergic reaction. Avery’s first Thanksgiving was spent being sick with a cold and possibly an ear infection. David took her to the doctor on Wednesday before we headed out of town and they said they could not tell if her ears were infected because her ear drums were not straight (who knew they could move). They prescribed her a medication which after a couple of dosed gave her a rash that developed into hives all over her tummy. Thankfully David and I were surrounded by intelligent women who happened to be experienced mothers who helped us. It didn’t really seem to bother Avery but she sure was back to her old self once we stopped the medicine and gave her Benadryl to help the allergic reaction.

Anyway the Diamonds spent their holiday in Lobelville, TN with the whole family (minus a cousin and her new husband – which were missed), something that rarely happens on the Jones side. We all gathered to celebrate my Grandmothers 80th birthday, which was such a treat. Happy Birthday Grandma… is to 80 more!! Below are pictures from our Holiday. Enjoy!!

Avery as happy as she can be on her first Thanksgiving even though she had a cold.

The Diamond family + Aunt Julie.

The Diamond family. Avery would not sit still. It took about 6 people to get her to look stright at the camera.

Just about the whole family. Aren't we a good looking crowd!?!? There is five generations represented in this photo.

Grandma and Vandaddy at her birthday celebration. What a cute couple.

David and I practicing for our first Christmas card photo.

We have to get the lighting just right.

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