Monday, November 24, 2008

10 - 1

November 23rd - As I'm sure y'all have heard our beloved Titans lost their first game this weekend to the J-E-T-S. I had the great pleasure or torture, depending on who you talk to, to witness the beating. I bought David tickets to the game for his birthday because he is a Jets fan, so needless to say he was quite happy when we left the game. I know why the Titans lost. It's not that they couldn't catch the ball, run with the ball or even pass the ball for decent is because I did not do Avery's laundry and she was not wearing any Titan's gear. I guess I will have to take all the blame for this loss. I'm sure David would argue that the JETS were a better team and actually showed up but I have a better argument...AVERY and he can't resist her so I think I would win.

The JETS win was not the only good thing to happen in our house on Sunday. Avery had her first taste of solid food other than rice or oatmeal cereal. David fed her squash and she seemed to enjoy it, though she did have a lot on her face and bib by the time she was done.

Avery eating squash for the first time.

Favre warming up...guess it paid off this time.

My beloved J-E-T-S fan.

A divided house for Sunday's game. I guess you know who left the game happy..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a good pic of Brett Farve, but I think Avery is way cuter.

Mary Beth