September 11th - And the saga continues. As you know from other posts, Avery is not sleeping in her toddler bed. Some nights she goes back to bed screaming and some nights she goes back voluntarily. On Saturday morning she ran into the couch and complained that her face hurt. David checked her out and noticed her ear was draining massive amounts of fluid (not good in a toddler who has reoccurring ear infections). We immediately called the pediatrician and they told us to bring her in as soon as we could. The doctor cleaned out her ear twice and still was unable to see in her ear canal. "Her ear is definitely infected and her ear drum may have ruptured. I can't tell since I am unable to see with all the drainage. Let's put her back on antibiotics and drops".
Avery has had a runny nose and cough since we went to NC a month ago. We couldn't tell she was sick because she never ran a fever or acted sick. I'm really hoping her ear hasn't been infected the entire time and burst due to to the pressure. Could this be why she hasn't been sleeping through the night?
Saturday night we gave her the antibiotic and drops and she only got up once (12:30) and went back to bed easily. So do you think David and I got a full nights sleep last night? Nope, we both kept waiting for her to wake up. Here's to hoping we all get a better nights sleep tonight.
I'm so sorry to hear Avery's ears are hurting again, but it must be such a relief to know what's going on. Let's hope the antibiotics work and y'all can get some sleep!
i see your late night tweets about being up with the little princess. I hope she feels better and you get some rest. love you and hope to see you soon.
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