Monday, June 29, 2009


June 29th - I don't know if anyone grew up playing Hungry Hungry Hippo. My sister and I did. My Big Grandma bought it for us and we loved to play it. I remember one time we played it around my Dad and he got so annoyed at the loud noise the hungry hippos made. We bought Avery a pool that looks like a hippo and the memory of playing the hippo game comes to mind every time I look at this pool. Anyway, we are having a cold spell (80 degrees or so) so we thought it was a perfect time to introduce her to a pool. She really wasn't all that interested in her hippo pool until it started sprinkling water. I think the water was to cold for her.

Below are two video's of Avery playing around her hippo pool.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Hungry Hungry Hippos! Love the videos...