Monday, June 15, 2009


June 12th - Avery had such a hard week but I think it ended well. She started off with pink eye and ended up with both ears being infected. Wednesday she started getting a fever and finally Friday morning when it registered 103.6 we decided to take her to the doctor. They discovered both ears where infected (yes I know the tubes were supposed to help and I really think they have). The doctor decided to give her a shot of antibiotics, which would be much stronger than the strongest liquid. Come to find out it is great since her ears where cleared up by Monday but it turns out she is allergic to it.

On Saturday we had her one year birthday party for our family in Tennessee. In attendance was my little grandparents, big grandparents, Mom, Lisa and Aunt Sandy and Uncle Frank. Avery was hesitant at first since she woke up from a nap and all these people were there. We opened gifts and then had cake. Avery picked at the icing but then really got into it. I think a fun time was had by all.

Look Mommy and Daddy, I love cake!

Happy Birthday to our little girl.

Wow, is that cake just for me?

Look at my princess crown.

This was the hit of the party. Avery loved the pink ball.

I am so tired from opening all my great gifts. I sure could use a nap.
Video of Avery eating cake.

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