Monday, April 6, 2009


April 5th - We had a great weekend. It started off at Publix. I never knew I could have so much fun at Publix. A lady was there giving away samples of ham. I gave Avery some and she got so excited. She ate just about the whole piece. We are trying to feed her more "real" food. Sunday we went to eat with my Grandparents and she did really well, though if you looked under her high chair you would wonder what she ate since there was so much food on the floor.

Avery trying to help Mommy empty the dishwasher.
David introduced Avery to water out of a big girl cup and she loved it. We put some in her sippy cup and she curled up with Mommy and drank it.

Avery trying to climb the stairs.
I really needed to get the dishwasher done and Avery was determined to help me. I thought I could give her a pot and spoon to play with so I could get it done. She didn't have any interest in the pot but she did enjoy putting the spoon in her mouth. I tried to get it on tape but as soon as the camera comes out she immediately tries to play with it.

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