Wednesday, April 29, 2009


April 30th - The past two days I have had "missed Mommy moments", which makes me think being a working Mom is for the birds. Tuesday Avery decided to walk six steps without holding on to anything and Wednesday she took eight steps. What a proud moment for Avery (as well as David and I). But I can't help feeling sad that my little baby is growing up and doing things on her own. I feel as if soon she won't need me to do anything for her, well except change her diaper and that is a battle I will gladly fight. Though isn't it true that you always need your Mommy is some form? My Mommy is coming tonight because I want her support when Avery has surgery (tubes) on Friday. It doesn't help the situation that Avery is fast approaching her first birthday, a huge event that is bitter sweet. I never imagined time would fly so quickly and things would progress so fast. I guess that is why you have to "stop and smell the roses", but don't expect Avery to smell them with you because she is on the move.


Anonymous said...


Glad to hear your mom is coming for Avery's surgery. Remember she will be so much better after. It's been just over a year since Sean had his and he hasn't had any issues since. I do tend to panic if he pulls an ear or gives me any reason to think he has another infection, but we've been home free so far. I'll be thinking of you on Friday, but it will be so fast you'll be fine.

Miss you.


Donita said...

I know Friday will go well. I'll be thinking about you guys. Sending lots of hugs.