Thursday, March 12, 2009


March 12th - Avery turned 9 months on Monday. I know I say this all the time but time is flying, I can't believe she is already 9 months old and will soon turn 1. We went to the farm for the weekend and celebrated her birthday on Sunday with my Grandma and Vandaddy. While we were in the country Avery discovered what every true country girl loves, biscuits. My Aunt Betty gave her a biscuit and she held on to that thing until is crumbled to the ground.

So what is Avery doing now: she gets from point A to point B by some sort of crawling, she is officially teething, she is going through separation anxiety when she can't see David or I, she is trying to pull up, she can stand on her legs with a little support, she is learning to use a sippy cup, she is starting to put pick up pieces of food and put it in her mouth, she waves, she babbles all the time and is learning to say uh-oh.

Avery had her 9 month checkup today and here are her stats:
Weight: 21.14 (90 percentile)
Height: 27.5 inches

Avery trying to blow out her candle. When I put the candle in front of her I thought she would try to grab it and put it in her mouth but she was more interested in having her picture made so I helped her blow out her candle.

Our tradition is to have a cupcake to celebrate each 3 month birthday. Notice her really small cupcake, which is actually two small ones stacked on top of each other. As Grandma say, "It's really hard to find a cupcake in a one horse town".

Avery standing up and playing with her Pa Pa.

Avery is just beginning to want to feed herself so I usually let her help me toward the end.

I hear people say kids like to play with pots so I decided to give one to Avery to see what she would do. Of course the first thing she did was try to put it in her mouth, which didn't work so she just kind of pushed it around and then forgot about it. I'll give it another try when she is a little older.

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