Monday, October 6, 2008


October 6th - Today was my first day back to work and Avery's first day at her "fun place". I refuse to call it day care since that sounds so boring. David woke her up at 6:15 and she was so cute. She could hardly keep her head up because she was so tired; she is not used to getting up that early. David took her since I was in no condition to leave my baby. Apparently all my worry was in vain.

As for Avery: She was all smiles as David dropped her off. We called a couple of times to check on her (I had to restrain myself from calling every hour on the hour) and they said she was a wonderful baby; she smiled and played all day. They gave her a mirror to play with and she loved it, like Mother like daughter!! She was asleep when we arrived to pick her up and went to bed early because she couldn't keep her eyes open.

As for Mommy: I was fine once I got to work. However, the day could not go by fast enough. I got a little worried when we picked her up because she wouldn't look at me or give me a smile. She eventually smiled at us and I felt better. I'm feeling sad tonight because we only got to spend an hour or so with her because we put her to bed early. Maybe we will have more time together tomorrow night.

Avery in her first day at fun place outfit. Daddy bought her this new outfit for her first day.
Mommy and Avery on their big emotional day.

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