Thursday, October 30, 2008


October 31st - Happy Halloween!! I am so excited for Halloween this year because I get to dress Avery up. I'm not sure if y'all know but I just LOVE cows, therefore, Avery is going to dress up as a cow this year. I think she is going to be so cute. We plan on taking her to see her Big Great Grandparents and maybe the neighbors. So keep your fingers crossed that she likes her costume and enjoys trick or treating. I'll post pictures of Avery as a cow after we have our night of festivities. I hope every one has a FUN and SAFE Halloween.


October 29th - Here in the great state of Tennessee our mornings are starting to turn cold. We even had a freeze warning a couple of nights this week. Since it is cold when we leave the house in the mornings we bundle Avery up so she does not get sick. Below is a picture of her before leaving the house on her way to "fun place". Doesn't she look as warm as a bug in a rug???

Monday, October 27, 2008


October 25th - 26th: This weekend was big for Avery because we started her on Oatmeal cereal. She must have known it was going to be an exciting time because she woke us up at 6:00 am on Saturday. David put together her booster seat, which she loves, while I mixed up her oatmeal. We actually bought her rice and oatmeal and I let her choose. She picked Oatmeal, which is my favorite too. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I hear of babies not liking cereal or crying the first time they eat it. Not Avery, she is definitely my girl and we both LOVE to eat. She had a great time eating and even tried to hold the spoon herself. On Sunday we got up and put her in her booster seat and she was all smiles, she knew what was coming. David and I took turns feeding her and we could not do it fast enough. Feeding her is such fun. David enjoyed it so much that he did not want to ask "fun place" to feed her each morning so we are going to do it at night until she starts eating it twice a day. You gotta love a Dad who enjoys taking care of his little girl.

Avery after eating all her oatmeal.
She grabbed the spoon. She will be feeding herself in no time.

She's so adorable.

Avery at the beginning of our feeding adventure. I have a feeling she is going to be a good eater.
Two videos of her eating.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


October 23rd - Today Avery went to the doctor (yes again!!) for her 4 month check-up, even though she is now 4 1/2 months old. She weighed in at 15 pounds 10 ounces and is 25 inches long. Developmentally she is right on track. The doctor said and I quote "She is just perfect" as if we didn't already know that. I am really excited because we were given the go ahead to start giving her cereal and then solids. I can't wait to see how she does with cereal. From what I hear this will be a messy and picturesque moment. The visit wasn't all fun....she received 3 shots in her little chubby legs. I have to say Avery (and Mommy) did much better this time. Avery didn't scream as loud and Mommy only shed a couple of tears. We dosed her up with Tylenol and by the time she reached fun place she was fast asleep. Below are some recent pictures of growing girl.

Look how big she is compared to Daddy!!
Avery playing in the kitchen while Mommy makes breakfast.

This picture shows how long she is because her feet are at the end of the changing table. Soon she will have to hang her feet off the end while we change her.

Look how she holds her head up. I just saw this for the first time today while at the doctors. Everytime I try to give her tummy time she lays her head down as if she is going to sleep.

Monday, October 20, 2008


October 20th - So between us the "fun place" is not so fun right now. Avery's cold has now turned into an ear infection in both ears PLUS I think she spread her cold to David and me. Friday night I woke up with a sore throat and on Saturday it hit me hard. I really thought I was going to die. I took Avery to my Grandma's and was able to get some rest and felt a little better. Sunday David returned and he was sick as well. Yesterday Avery developed a low grade fever and was really needy. She would only sleep in our arms, which between us is sort of cute. She still has a slight fever and is taking antibiotics. So the tree of us are just pitiful and in need of good chicken noodle soup. Having a sick child and a husband out of town really showed me how hard it is when your family in a state away.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

# 4

October 16th - Today is mine and David's 4th wedding anniversary. Four years ago we were saying "I Do" with all our friends and family. What a great 4 years it has been and now we have precious little Avery. Happy Anniversary Baby!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


October 13th - Avery has only been in daycare a week and has gotten her first cold. Notice I am calling it daycare because you could never catch a cold at the "fun place". Keep her and me in your thoughts since David is on his way out of town until Sunday. I hope the worst is behind us.


October 11th - We took Avery to her first pumpkin patch. David and I found this place last year and fell in love with it, well I did, and you’d have to ask David if he really loves it. They have pumpkins (obviously), animals, a corn maze and hay rides. I was so excited to take Avery and show her all the fun stuff. I kept talking to her all week about the fun pumpkin patch. I could hardly contain myself on Saturday I was so excited. Of course when we arrived Avery was fast asleep, I don't think my excitement was enough to keep her awake. She woke up near the end of our visit but never really seemed too interested. Oh well, there is always next year!!

Avery fast asleep on her Daddy's shoulder.
Daddy holding the pumpkin we picked out for Avery. She wasn't much help!!
Our family photo at the pumpkin farm.
Avery doesn't even seem to mind the scarecrow.

Friday, October 10, 2008


October 9th - Here is a funny Avery story. She has been congested so the Pediatrician told us to put a pillow under her mattress so she could breathe better. At bedtime we put her in her crib so she was inclined. When we went to check on her she had managed to scoot down to the bottom of the crib and lay sideways instead of long ways (which is how we put her in the crib). Therefore, all the work David did to put the pillow under her mattress was wasted, and it was work trying to get the mattress up with the bumper on the crib. David and I both laughed at this sight; there is never a dull moment with Avery around. I guess she does not like to be elevated.

Monday, October 6, 2008


October 6th - Today was my first day back to work and Avery's first day at her "fun place". I refuse to call it day care since that sounds so boring. David woke her up at 6:15 and she was so cute. She could hardly keep her head up because she was so tired; she is not used to getting up that early. David took her since I was in no condition to leave my baby. Apparently all my worry was in vain.

As for Avery: She was all smiles as David dropped her off. We called a couple of times to check on her (I had to restrain myself from calling every hour on the hour) and they said she was a wonderful baby; she smiled and played all day. They gave her a mirror to play with and she loved it, like Mother like daughter!! She was asleep when we arrived to pick her up and went to bed early because she couldn't keep her eyes open.

As for Mommy: I was fine once I got to work. However, the day could not go by fast enough. I got a little worried when we picked her up because she wouldn't look at me or give me a smile. She eventually smiled at us and I felt better. I'm feeling sad tonight because we only got to spend an hour or so with her because we put her to bed early. Maybe we will have more time together tomorrow night.

Avery in her first day at fun place outfit. Daddy bought her this new outfit for her first day.
Mommy and Avery on their big emotional day.


September 30th - Avery got a new toy today thanks to her friend Amelia. Avery has been trying to sit up so we thought a Bumbo seat would be perfect to help her sit up. So far I think she likes it. She is such a big girl!! It is kind of funny to watch her in it because her head sometimes sways back and forth. We don’t keep her in it to long for that very reason, but I know she is going to love it once her head stays straight.
Avery sitting in her new Bumbo seat. I did not plan for her outfit and the seat to match, it just worked out that way.
Mommy and her big girl.