September 27 - The days have been so nice here so we have taken Avery to the park everyday. Yesterday we decided to put her in her stroller like a big girl. She really enjoyed seeing the world from a different view. Is it normal to be happy and sad at the same time when your baby grows up?
Avery in her stoller without the head rest. Isn't she such a big girl!
Daddy and Avery.
Mommy and Avery.
This is a fun picture. David was hard at work fixing the computer and Avery decided she wanted a ride on Daddy's shoulders. She only got a little spit up in Daddy's hair.
I hate to tell you think Mommy, but they DO grow up. Mine oldest was riding on my shoulders just yesterday and now she's getting married in two weeks. I don't know how you keep them from growing up.. Stop feeding them I guess. But then they'd throw you and jail and you wouldn't see them anymore - so, bad idea. I guess you'll just have to let them grow up anyway. Yours will make a beautiful bride some day. Start praying now for that groom.
Who's that guy?
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