Tuesday, August 12, 2008


August 12th - Saturday Avery turned 2 months old and with that comes another visit to the doctor for a checkup and her first dose of shots. Here is what we found out: *Height: 22 1/2 inches (53 percentile) *Weight: 11 pounds 14 ounces (75 percentile) Today Avery got 3 shots and one oral vaccine. She sucked down the oral vaccine and handled the shots better than I thought. As soon as the nurse stuck Avery she turned so red and screamed at the top of her lungs. I was one of those screams where she can't even breathe. I immediately started crying; of course I started crying before we even got to the doctor. As soon as the shots were done I took her in my arms and held her and within minutes she stopped crying and has not cried since. She seems to be handling the shots really well. We gave her some kiddy Tylenol and I hope that keeps her from hurting. I am so proud of my little angel for being a big girl.

Avery after her shots.

Close up of her cute band-aids.

1 comment:

Donita said...

Poor Avery and Poor Momma..those shots are as hard on the parents as they are on the kids!