Wednesday, February 13, 2008


February 08 - Today is the day we have been waiting for, our 20 week appointment. We had an ultrasound to take measurements of the baby to make sure it was growing and developing according to plan and to find out the sex. My Mom went with us and was acting very much like a first time Grandmother; taking pictures of everything. We saw 3 little lines meaning it is a girl!! She is 6 inches long and weighs 14 ounces. The doctor said all her measurements are perfect and that everything with me is on track. She currently is breach just like me and my Dad. Her feet are pressing on my bladder which explains a lot. I have gained a total of 7 pounds and the doctor is very pleased with both of our progress.

Kristin's view: This was such an emotional day for me. I didn’t think it would be but I was both nervous and excited. As soon as I got in the room I felt like I would cry. When the ultrasound technician told us it was a girl I immediately started tearing up. I asked her if she was sure because I was so prepared for a boy. I have always wanted a girl so I could dress her in pink. The more I saw our little girl on the screen the more I teared up. I kept smiling at David and he was smiling at me. This was definitely a day I won’t forget.

David's view: I couldn’t sleep the night before because I was extremely excited. I wanted a girl so I could have a “Daddy’s little girl”. I then realized it would also be cool to have a little “Buckaroo” to toss a baseball around with or to play other sports. Either way, I was going to be happy as long as the baby was healthy. Well, it looks like we hit the jackpot because we are having a healthy baby girl. I teared up a little bit and blew Kristin a kiss. Now comes the fun part. I know we are going to spend a lot of money getting her room prepared, but I am actually looking forward to it. I never thought I would be happy to paint again, bring on the pastels!!!


iowagirl said...

We are so happy for both of you. Of course it was going to be a girl -- they run in the family! This is just one of many special day to come. Enjoy them all. We love you.
Clay and Debbie

Kat said...

Guess what, I'm also excited that it's a girl! Although I will be against dressing her in pink and ribbons and the like. I would like for her to be a little tomboy, like her auntie was as a youngster. But she will probably take after her mommy and be totally feminine. And of course I will love her just the same!
Auntie J.