Thursday, March 22, 2012


March 22, 2012: Happy 6th month birthday to my precious baby boy. These 6 months have flown by. Liam is such a joy. He smiles and laughs all the time. He is babbling a lot and both David and I think he just said Da Da for the first time. (If you ask me it is gas b/c of course his first word is going to be Ma Ma since I am the one who did all the work during labor.) He is a thumb sucker and at the moment a toe sucker. He started cereal and we are going to start baby food this week.

He had his 6 month check up today. His stats are below. It looks like he is going to be a long, lean boy.
Height: 25.59 inches (22%)
Weight: 14 lbs 6 oz (6%)

3/4: Liam was baptized and is taking a moment to reflect on what that means.

3/4: Liam in his baptismal outfit. This is the same outfit David and his brother wore when they were baptised.

2/1: Liam sucking his thumb. He has gotten better now but if he can't get to his thumb he gets really mad.

1/25: Liam making a funny face. I can't help but smile every time I see him.


March 22, 2012: If you are a regular visitor to my blog then you must be really surprised to see a new post. Once again I am going to try to stay current with my blog.....but you know how life goes with two small children, so I am going to start out by updating you on the past couple of months in one post. Let's start with Avery.

Avery is enjoying life. She is full of energy and just a joy to watch grow. In the last couple of months she has gone to the circus and movies with her BFF (best friend forever) and had her 2nd set of tubes put in her ears and her tonsils taken out. This was her 4th surgery in 3 years. David and I are hoping this is it.

Avery is really enjoying being a big sister. She is a big help to David and I by cheering Liam up if he is fussy or just getting us items we need for him. She enjoys talking to him and having him lay on her bed when we read books at night. She does blame him for a lot of things that end up missing or going wrong (but don't all siblings). She already tattles on him when he kicks her or pulls her hair (I'm sure there will be a lot of that over the next 18 years or so). The one thing she is afraid of is spit up. She thinks it is so gross when he spits up on David or I (which he does daily). They seem to love each other and I hope they stay like that forever.

3/6: Avery getting prepped for surgery. She is such a brave little girl. I really admire her strength. As a side note - I don't look too bad in a mask and hair net.....I should have been a doctor.

3/6: the nurses were so great at MTMC. They dressed George up and gave him a hospital bracelet to help Avery feel comfortable.

1/26: Avery and her best friend Mallory at the circus. They had such a good time. I enjoyed it as well but I have to say my favorite part was running a couple of blocks in the rain while holding Avery's hand and laughing. I felt like a kid again.